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[新闻] Jan Prazak对ArmA2的最新报道(翻译完毕)

发表于 2008-12-7 13:15:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Andrzej "Klecha" Klimczuk from interviews Jan Prazak, the PR Manager of Bohemia Interactive.
- 来自gry.o2.plAndrzej "Klecha" Klimczuk采访了波希米亚互动的公关部经理Jan Prazak

Andrzej "Klecha" Klimczuk (
Please start us off by introducing yourself and telling us about your involvement with the development of ARMA 2.
- 请您从自我介绍开始介绍一下您在武装突袭2开发过程中的参与情况。

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
My name is Jan Prazak and I am the PR Manager at Bohemia Interactive. Being an Operation Flashpoint fan I spent a lot of time not just by playing but also by editing and making models for Operation Flashpoint and VBS1 as a member of the CSLA MOD team. I began as a texture and model artist at Bohemia Interactive in 2005 and then I went through several assignments working on ARMA: Armed Assault and Queens Gambit. At the present time, I mainly do public relations and marketing tasks for our upcoming ARMA 2.
- 我名叫Jan Prazak是波西米亚互动的公关部经理。作为一名《闪点行动》的爱好者和 CSLA MOD 团队的成员我不仅花了大量的时间玩儿(闪点行动)并且还设计编辑过许多《闪点行动》和《虚拟战场系统》的模型。在2005年我作为材质和模型设计师在波西米亚互动工作,之后又为《武装突袭》和其资料片《武装突袭:皇后开局》做过一些工作。现在我主要负责《武装突袭2》的公关工作等。

Klecha (
What can you tell us about new storyline?
- 您能给我们讲讲新的故事线吗?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
We wanted to create something from the present day, something more believable. Approximately one year ago Ivan Buchta and Marek Spanel sat down and wrote the design document for ARMA 2 which situated the story somewhere in the Caucasian region around the fictitious country of Chernarus. Nobody could expect how very believable and probable such a story would turn out to be... As is already known, the player will take control of a member of a USMC Force Recon team named "Razor", at first having just this soldier under command. But, later in the game the player will become a commander not only having full control of the team, but also having to make decisions with consequences for the entire country of Chernarus.
- 我们想创造一些来自于当前时代的东西,更可信的东西。大概一年前Ivan Buchta同Marek Spanel一起编写了《武装突袭2》的剧本,其内容定位于高加索地区的虚构国家Chernarus及其周边地区。没人会相信这个剧本会真实如目前所发生的事情几乎一样(暗指格鲁吉亚与俄罗斯的冲突)……众所周知,玩家将会作为一位隶属于美国海军陆战队侦察小队名叫Razor的成员,但是游戏后期玩家不但能够作为小队的指挥官,而且您的决策将能够影响整个Chernarus的局势。

Klecha (
What kind of locations and settings does the game take place in?
- 游戏中故事所发生的环境和设定都有那些?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
As described above, the location is the fictitious country Chernarus. This post-soviet republic hag-ridden by a complicated political situation. Unlike Operation Flashpoint or ARMA: AA's game environment, this is a very unique location. To achieve the best quality and representation of a real Eastern European landscape we have actually taken a part of the real world and put it into the game. It's no more an island(s) surrounded by endless sea, it's a slightly more then 200 kilometer square portion of the real world. The data we used is actually a piece of the Czech republic, so if you are patient enough to try to find it in Google Earth you probably will. The only change we made was a different appearance of buildings and urban density to achieve the unique look of a country on the border between Europe and Asia.
- 正如上面所说的,地点是在虚构的国家Chernarus。这个前苏联国家正经受复杂政治局势的煎熬。不像《闪点行动》和《武装突袭》的游戏环境,这是个很独特的地方。为了达到高质量的真实东欧景色,我们其实将真实世界的一部分放进了游戏里。(武装突袭2)已不再是一个被无尽的海洋所环绕的岛屿,而是有将近200平方公里的真实世界。我们所使用的数据实际上是来自捷克共和国的一部分,如果你有足够的耐心在Google Earth上找,你可能可以找到。我们所做的改变仅存在于不同的建筑外观和城市密度,以此来达到独特的欧亚交界国家的样子。

Klecha (
How many missions can we expect to see in the single-player component?
- 在单人游戏部分我们预期会有多少任务呢?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
This time the campaign is designed differently from our previous titles. Instead of many short missions with just a few of objectives, we've introduced a new "chapters" format - much longer parts of the story being played continuously, fulfil many tasks and side "quests" without loading. There are at least five main chapters in ARMA 2 and the gameplay style will vary significantly from one to another.
- 这次的战役与我们之前的产品不一样。相对于好几个只有少数目标的小型任务,我们引进了新的章节模式——更长的连续故事情节。无需载入即可完成大量的任务和支线任务。至少有5个主要章节在《武装突袭2》中,并且不同章节之间游戏风格会有较大的改变。

Klecha (
How long does an average mission take to complete and on average how many different objectives will players face in a given mission?
- 玩家平均要花多长时间来完成任务,每个任务大概又有多少目标呢?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
It depends on each player. When running through the game without completing any side quests it may take around ten hours to finish the game, but probably this style will cause many save/load cycles as this is not the really best way to "win through" in modern combat. While being precise, completing side quests and performing strategic and tactic moves and attacks, the game could become almost endless taking up dozens of hours of gameplay...
- 这取决于每个玩家。如果不完成支线任务整个战役大概要花10个小时左右,但以这种游戏方式会带来大量的存档/读档。如果真正算起来的话,完成全部支线任务,进行战略和战术移动以及攻击,您可能将要花费大量时间来面对“无尽的游戏”......

Klecha (
Tell us about some new weapons...
- 给我们讲讲新武器吧……

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
There are many weapons in ARMA 2. All of them are precisely modeled in great detail, have proper ballistic simulation, tracers, ricocheting, penetration, different kind of ammunition. We will introduce new types of the AK rifles family, new rocket launchers (both guided and unguided) as SPG-9, Metis, Igla. There are also a lot of new static weapons such as ZSU-23 anti aircraft gun and more.
- 《武装突袭2》里有许多武器。它们全部都精确建模到极其细微的程度,有正常的弹道模拟、曳光、跳弹、穿透、不同的弹药类型。我们将引进新的AK步枪家族,新的火箭发射器(制导及非制导),比如:SPG-9,Metis,Lgla。游戏里还有很多固定武器,如:ZSU-23防空炮等等。

Klecha (
Give us more details about the various vehicles we'll get to handle throughout the game.
- 给我们讲讲游戏里将被我们使用到的不同载具的细节吧。

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
As in our previous titles there will be a lot of vehicles again. I tried to count them some time ago and got to a number of 167 land & air vehicles and ships include variants. It's probably more now, as the amount is constantly growing. Because of this amount, I'll point out just the one vehicle, which is actually my favorite: there is finally the glorious Mi-24 Hind gunship in ARMA 2 back from Operation Flashpoint. So much time was spent working with the model in terms of graphical representation as well as flight model enhancements, that it's probably the best game representation of this Russian beast to date.
- 像我们之前的产品一样,(游戏里)会有许多的载具。我以前试着数过,有167种不同的陆地和空中还有水中载具。现在可能有更多。由于数量如此众多,我将之介绍其中的一个,也是我的最爱:《闪点行动中》辉煌的的Mi-24 雌鹿武装直升机终于来到《武装突袭2》里面了。我们大量的时间花费在模型图像细节和飞行模式的增强上,这也许是至今为止游戏世界里对这只俄国猛兽最好的刻画。

Klecha (
How important is it to develop AI for ARMA 2?
- AI(人工智能)的开发对于《武装突袭2》来讲有多重要?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
The AI is the most important part of our game. While the game world in ARMA 2 is so open and so large (about 225km2 of land without loading), the AI must be very smart to just navigate through the world. But they also have to fight efficiently, so their artificial intelligence is so advanced that they actually not only know where the enemy is, but also avoid areas of fire, taking cover behind corners, using suppressive fire and many more and complex decisions. They can even drive a car, airplane, helicopter or ship, that's a lot of different situations which all the AI have to handle. So we are continuously testing their behaviour, making them smart enough to defeat the unaware player but also believably "human", making mistakes sometimes and such.
- AI是我们游戏里最重要的部分。由于《武装突袭2》的游戏世界如此之大(大概225平方公里的陆地并无缝载入),AI必须非常聪明的行动于其中。而且还要有效率的战斗,所以它们的人工智能如此先进,以至于不仅知道敌人在哪儿,并避过交火区,在角落寻找掩护,使用压制火力和许多其他的复杂决策。它们甚至能驾驶车辆,飞机,直升机或船,这是许多AI要处理的情形。所以我们不断测试它们的行为,使它们足够聪明来击败未察觉到的玩家但又很人性,比如有时犯错误等。

Klecha (
What other unique gameplay elements will ARMA 2 have? What's different about ARMA 2 compared to ARMA: Armed Assault & ARMA: Queen's Gambit?
- 《武装突袭2》有那些独一无二的游戏元素?《武装突袭2》与《武装突袭》及其资料片有何不同?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
A lot. I have already described several new elements in ARMA 2 and wouldn't like to uncover too much...
- 非常多。我已经在前面介绍了许多《武装突袭2》中的新元素,在这里我不想再说更多的了……

Klecha (
What can you tell us about the game's graphics engine and its features?
- 是否能够和我们谈谈游戏图形引擎以及它的特性?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
Our own Real Virtuality Engine has reached its 3rd generation for ARMA 2 and provides many true next-gen features. We are keeping to DX9 Shader Model 3 technology as we want the game to be fully Windows XP compatible. However, this doesn't mean you will notice any visual limitation! There is HD technology, reflections, specular lights, dynamic shadows and much more. I dare say ARMA 2 provides probably the best rendition of real military arsenal you could ever see...
- 我们原创并用于《武装突袭2》的Real Virtuality Engine(真实虚拟引擎)已经是第三代版本了,它提供了许多真实的“次世代”特效。我们保留并使用了DX9 Shader Model 3技术,因为我们希望游戏能够完全兼容Windows XP。然而,这并不代表你就会看到许多的视觉缺陷!这里面应用了高清技术、反射、镜面光照、动态阴影等等。我敢说《武装突袭2》也许提供了你所能看到的所有虚拟军事游戏中对真实军事最好的演绎。

Klecha (
What are the system requirements likely to be?
- 游戏对玩家的电脑配置要求是怎样的?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
ARMA 2 will require a Dual Core processor. That's essential because of the new engine architecture and the amount of calculations which have to be processed. Minimum system configuration has been published on the official ARMA 2 website.
- 《武装突袭2》将会需要多核处理器,这对于新的游戏引擎和大量的数据运算来说是必须的。最低硬件需求清单已经发布在《武装突袭2》官方网站上了。

Klecha (
What multiplayer options will the game have?
- 游戏是否会包含多人游戏模式?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
ARMA 2 provides a wide range of Multiplayer modes. You probably know many of them from our previous titles, but there is also a handful of brand new features:

    - WARFARE mode, which was introduced in the latest update of our previous game ARMA: Armed Assault (Combat Operations in US) and which is probably the most-favoured MP mode in ARMA. The new WARFARE will provide more game factions to play with, more options for commanders and players, more complex simulation of a real battle.
    - The very new feature is the campaign cooperation mode which provides the possibility to play the main campaign story with up to three other players. That will completely change the gameplay experience and we believe people will enjoy it a lot.

- 《武装突袭2》提供了丰富的多人游戏模式。您也许已经通过我们先前所做的报道了解了一些,但是这里仍然有几个标志性的新特色:
- - WARFARE(战争地带)模式:这个模式在《武装突袭》的最后一个版本补丁中首次加入并且成为了《武装突袭中》最受欢迎的多人游戏模式。新的WARFARE系统将会提供更多的参战阵营、更多的指挥和单兵选项、以及对真实战场更加复杂的模拟。
- - 更加新颖的特性是战役协同模式:您将能够同其他三个玩家一起去完成主战役,这将会完全改变游戏体验,并且我们相信大家会非常喜欢它。

Klecha (
Are you planning to make ARMA 2 "mod friendly"?
- 你们是否计划将《武装突袭2》设计的更加易于玩家“自定义”?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
YES of course. We are proud to have one of the best and largest modding communities around and we always apply a lot of attention and care on this side of the game's development. The PC version of ARMA 2 will be "mod friendly" and we will provide the new versions of our software tools to the community.
- 是的,那当然。我们对我们拥有最好且最庞大自定义团体感到非常的自豪,并且我们始终非常的关注和注意游戏在此方面的的设计。PC平台上的《武装突袭2》将会“易于自定义”并且我们将会为自定义团体提供新版本的开发工具。

Klecha (
What differences will there be between the PC, PS3 & Xbox 360 versions of the game?
- 在PC、PS3和XBOX 360三种平台上,游戏的内容有什么不同吗?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
I'm sorry I can't say anything specific about this until it will become official.
- 我很抱歉,在它们正式上市之前我不能提供更多的信息。

Klecha (
At this moment, how far has the development of the game progressed and what is the planned release date?
- 到目前为止,游戏开发工作已经完成了多少?另外你们将计划在何时上市?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
ARMA 2 has passed alpha version and contains virtually all the actual game content for release. Now we are fully focused on the main campaign, gameplay features and user interface tuning. This will require some time, so the expected and officially confirmed release date is Q1 2009.
- 《武装突袭2》已经完成ALPHA版本的测试,事实上在此版本中已经包含了与最终版本几乎一样的完整游戏内容。现在我们正集中精力于游戏的主战役、游戏功能以及用户界面的调整。这些工作将会耗费一定的时间,所以大家预期并且官方确认了的上市时间大约在2009年第一季度。

Klecha (
Are there plans to release a demo for ARMA 2 before its release and if so what will it contain?
- 是否有计划在《武装突袭2》上市之前先发布一个DEMO版?如果有的话它将会包含哪些内容?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
We hope for the ARMA 2 demo to be available before or at the same time as the full game itself, featuring both single-player and multi-player content.
- 我们希望《武装突袭2》的DEMO版在完整版本之前或者与其同时出现,在DEMO版本中将会向大家展现单人游戏与多人游戏的内容。

Klecha (
Finally is there anything else you wish to say at this point about ARMA 2?
- 最后,关于《武装突袭2》,您还想在此向大家说些什么?

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
I have depleted all my known words of English :D
- 我已经用尽了我所能想起来的全部英语单词。:D
发表于 2008-12-7 13:24:24 | 显示全部楼层
Andrzej "Klecha" Klimczuk from interviews Jan Prazak, the PR Manager of Bohemia Interactive. Read the full interview here or simply choose to 'read more' below.


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发表于 2008-12-7 13:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
Andrzej "Klecha" Klimczuk (
Please start us off by introducing yourself and telling us about your involvement with the development of ARMA 2.

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
My name is Jan Prazak and I am the PR Manager at Bohemia Interactive. Being an Operation Flashpoint fan I spent a lot of time not just by playing but also by editing and making models for Operation Flashpoint and VBS1 as a member of the CSLA MOD team. I began as a texture and model artist at Bohemia Interactive in 2005 and then I went through several assignments working on ARMA: Armed Assault and Queens Gambit. At the present time, I mainly do public relations and marketing tasks for our upcoming ARMA 2.
我名叫詹帕扎克是不希米亚互动的公关部经理.作为一名闪点行动的爱好者和CSLA MOD队的成员我不仅花了大量的时间玩儿(闪点行动)并且还设计编辑过许多闪点行动和虚拟战场1的模型。在2005年我作为材质和模型师在波米互动工作,之后又为武装突袭和女王的开场白做过一些工作。现在我主要负责武装突袭2的公共关系等工作。
发表于 2008-12-7 13:51:12 | 显示全部楼层
Klecha (
What can you tell us about new storyline?
Klecha (

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
We wanted to create something from the present day, something more believable. Approximately one year ago Ivan Buchta and Marek Spanel sat down and wrote the design document for ARMA 2 which situated the story somewhere in the Caucasian region around the fictitious country of Chernarus. Nobody could expect how very believable and probable such a story would turn out to be... As is already known, the player will take control of a member of a USMC Force Recon team named "Razor", at first having just this soldier under command. But, later in the game the player will become a commander not only having full control of the team, but also having to make decisions with consequences for the entire country of Chernarus.
Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
我们想创造一些来自于现代的东西,更可信的东西。大概一年前Ivan Buchta和Marek Spanel一起编写了ArmA2的文本,其内容定位于高加索地区的虚构国家Chernarus附近。每人相信这如此可信的故事会为目前所知的一样:玩家将会作为一位名叫Razor的隶属于美国海军陆战队侦察连的小队的成员,但游戏后期玩家将不仅作为小队的指挥官,而是为整个Chernarus做出有后果的决定。
发表于 2008-12-7 14:06:17 | 显示全部楼层
Klecha (
What kind of locations and settings does the game take place in?
Klecha (

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
As described above, the location is the fictitious country Chernarus. This post-soviet republic hag-ridden by a complicated political situation. Unlike Operation Flashpoint or ARMA: AA's game environment, this is a very unique location. To achieve the best quality and representation of a real Eastern European landscape we have actually taken a part of the real world and put it into the game. It's no more an island(s) surrounded by endless sea, it's a slightly more then 200 kilometer square portion of the real world. The data we used is actually a piece of the Czech republic, so if you are patient enough to try to find it in Google Earth you probably will. The only change we made was a different appearance of buildings and urban density to achieve the unique look of a country on the border between Europe and Asia.
Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
正如上面所说的,地点是在虚构的国家Chernarus。这个前苏联国家正经受复杂政治局势的煎熬。不像闪点行动和武装突袭的游戏环境,这是个很独特的地方。为了达到高质量的真实东欧景色,我们其实将真实世界的一部分放进了游戏里。(武装突袭2)已不再是一个被无尽的海洋所环绕的岛屿,而是有将近200平方公里的身世世界。我们所使用的数据实际上是来自捷克共和国的一部分,如果你有虚构的耐心再Google Earth上找,你可能可以找到。我们所做的改变仅存在于不同的建筑外贸和城市密度,以此来达到独特的欧亚交界国家的样子。
发表于 2008-12-7 14:14:04 | 显示全部楼层
Klecha (
How many missions can we expect to see in the single-player component?
Klecha (

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
This time the campaign is designed differently from our previous titles. Instead of many short missions with just a few of objectives, we've introduced a new "chapters" format - much longer parts of the story being played continuously, fulfil many tasks and side "quests" without loading. There are at least five main chapters in ARMA 2 and the gameplay style will vary significantly from one to another.
Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
发表于 2008-12-7 14:21:45 | 显示全部楼层
Klecha (
How long does an average mission take to complete and on average how many different objectives will players face in a given mission?
Klecha (

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
It depends on each player. When running through the game without completing any side quests it may take around ten hours to finish the game, but probably this style will cause many save/load cycles as this is not the really best way to "win through" in modern combat. While being precise, completing side quests and performing strategic and tactic moves and attacks, the game could become almost endless taking up dozens of hours of gameplay...
Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
这取决于每个玩家。不完成负任务大概要花10个小时左右,但以现代战斗 来讲这个方式会带来大量的存档/读档。缜密的话,完成负任务,进行战略和战术移动几攻击,可能会变得要花费若干小时的无尽游戏......
发表于 2008-12-7 14:28:36 | 显示全部楼层
Klecha (
Tell us about some new weapons...
Klecha (

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
There are many weapons in ARMA 2. All of them are precisely modeled in great detail, have proper ballistic simulation, tracers, ricocheting, penetration, different kind of ammunition. We will introduce new types of the AK rifles family, new rocket launchers (both guided and unguided) as SPG-9, Metis, Igla. There are also a lot of new static weapons such as ZSU-23 anti aircraft gun and more.
Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
ARMA2里有许多武器。它们全部都精确的建模到极细微的程度,有正常的弹道模拟, 曳光,跳弹,穿透,不同的弹药类型。我们将引进新的AK步枪家族,新的火箭发射器(制导及非制导),像:SPG-9,Metis,Lgla。游戏里还有很多固定武器,如:ZSU-23防空炮等等。
发表于 2008-12-7 14:37:28 | 显示全部楼层
Klecha (
Give us more details about the various vehicles we'll get to handle throughout the game.
Klecha (

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
As in our previous titles there will be a lot of vehicles again. I tried to count them some time ago and got to a number of 167 land & air vehicles and ships include variants. It's probably more now, as the amount is constantly growing. Because of this amount, I'll point out just the one vehicle, which is actually my favorite: there is finally the glorious Mi-24 Hind gunship in ARMA 2 back from Operation Flashpoint. So much time was spent working with the model in terms of graphical representation as well as flight model enhancements, that it's probably the best game representation of this Russian beast to date.
Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
像我们之前的产品一样,(游戏里)会有许多的载具。我以前试着数过,有167种不同的陆地和空中还有水中载具。现在可能有更多。由于数量如此众多,我将之介绍其中的一个,也是我的最爱:闪点行动中辉煌的的Mi-24 雌鹿武装直升机终于来到 ARMA2立了。大量的时间花费在模型图像细节和飞行模式强化上,这应该是游戏界里这只俄国猛兽的最佳写照。
发表于 2008-12-7 14:48:26 | 显示全部楼层
Klecha (
How important is it to develop AI for ARMA 2?
Klecha (

Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
The AI is the most important part of our game. While the game world in ARMA 2 is so open and so large (about 225km2 of land without loading), the AI must be very smart to just navigate through the world. But they also have to fight efficiently, so their artificial intelligence is so advanced that they actually not only know where the enemy is, but also avoid areas of fire, taking cover behind corners, using suppressive fire and many more and complex decisions. They can even drive a car, airplane, helicopter or ship, that's a lot of different situations which all the AI have to handle. So we are continuously testing their behaviour, making them smart enough to defeat the unaware player but also believably "human", making mistakes sometimes and such.
Jan Prazak (Bohemia Interactive):
发表于 2008-12-9 22:11:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-30 18:46:27 | 显示全部楼层
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