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[讨论] 萌新一枚,尝试了下汉化,小试成功,但觉得效率很差,找特定的词条很累,大神们都...

发表于 2015-5-16 23:38:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2015-5-17 09:20:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 chaoduichen 于 2015-5-17 09:24 编辑

汉化ACE应该不算很难吧,查找翻译条目直接翻stringtable.xml应该就可以了。比起没有为本地化准备的其他插件,这个应该还可以把。ACE3团队还提供了一个方便的工具(ace那个网站上有),不过好像还有什么条款,直接从我的ace3 Document里复制粘贴一下:---
  1. layout: wiki
  2. title: How to translate ACE3
  3. group: development
  4. parent: wiki
  5. order: 20
  6. ---

  7. This page describes in short how you can help translating ACE3 into your language.

  8. 1. If you don't already have a GitHub account create one at
  9. 2. Open the ACE3 repository at
  10. 3. In the top right corner press the "Fork" button
  11. 4. You are being redirected to your personal fork, a version that is hosted on your GitHub account (it says "yourUsername/ACE3")
  12. 5. Clone that fork to your PC (There are a lot of tools and tutorials how to do this (e.g. [GitHub for Windows](
  13. 6. Download [tabler]( and extract it somewhere
  14. 7. Open the tabler.exe and in the menu click "File > Open language files"
  15. 8. Point tabler to the cloned ACE3 directory
  16. 9. Start translating
  17. 10. When done go to the menu and click "File > Save language files"
  18. 11. Commit your changes to your local cloned repository
  19. 12. Sync (Push) your commit(s) to your fork
  20. 13. Create a Pull Request for your changes

  21. (The last three steps require some git knowledge, but there are a lot of tutorials out there)
  22. [GitHub for Windows help](

  23. #### Community Translation Guides
  24. **Spanish:** [](

发表于 2015-5-18 00:56:15 | 显示全部楼层
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