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[新闻] Beta 6月25日,BIS开发人员DarkDruid 今天说得

发表于 2013-6-13 01:27:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 redhawk 于 2013-6-13 01:32 编辑

Take On (reveal)
“Explore the scarred face of another world(另一个世界,难道是火星). Journey through rocky terrain and sandy wastes, pushing your vehicles to the max in this new installment to the Take On series.”
发表于 2013-6-13 17:46:29 | 显示全部楼层
Additions will include new arsenals and vehicles to test and new scenarios that include a co-op and multi-team, wave-based defense scenario. Additionally, a new “Independent” faction consisting of a military native to Altis and Stratis was mentioned. You know, in case you were tired of Blufor and Opfor.
新加入的东西包括新的武器库和载具以用于测试,以及新的任务包括合作模式以及多小队对抗模式,以及 wave-based defense(什么玩意,水下防御?)。另外,还提到了一个新的“独立”阵营(大概就是希腊了),它由Altis岛和Stratis岛当地的武装力量组成。你知道——万一你厌倦了蓝方和红方

Another change is that uploading player-created missions to Steam Workshop will be directly integrated into the Arma 3 mission editor, which should streamline things a bit. This isn’t necessarily going to be available during the beta, but it is a confirmed feature. Eventually.

Of course we also have some videos for you from the E3. The first video is from the Gamespot Stage 2 stream where Jay Crowe sits down with Gamespots Danny O'Dwyer to talk about Arma 3 and Arma 2.
The second video is with RedditGames who talk with Joris-Jan van 't Land and Jay Crowe about the upcoming Arma 3 beta.
当然我们也在E3上为您准备了一些视频。第一个视频来自于Gamespot的展台2,Jay Crowe与Gamespot的Danny O'Dwyer坐在那里促膝长谈(抱歉这个成语用的很@*&^%...)有关武装突袭3和2的内容。
第二个视频是RedditGames与 Joris-Jan van 't Land 和 Jay Crowe讨论即将到来的武装突袭3Beta

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