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[新闻] 来自Eurogamer对ArmA2的最新报道(翻译完毕)

发表于 2008-11-21 14:57:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

In the moments when they're not busy fabricating the follow-up to the world's most realistic soldier sim the staff of Bohemia Interactive Studio like nothing better than stroking kittens. It's true, I've seen it with my own eyes. Bohemia's surprisingly rural base of operations is home to a couple of cute black felines called Lock and Load (okay, I didn't actually get round to finding out their names, but it's probably something along those lines). On the day of my visit, these two moggies are stroked at least three times an hour.

- 当波西米亚互动的全体工作人员从制作世界上拟真度最高的单兵射击模拟游戏的工作中抽身休息的时候,估计没有什么事情会比悠闲的逗着小猫玩更安逸了——这是真的,因为是我亲眼所见。在波西米亚互动那充满田园风光的工作室小屋中养着一对儿小黑猫,一只叫洛克,另一只叫路德(好吧,我实际上并不是很确切的知道它们的名字,不过大概就是这样的叫法)。在我采访的日子里,这两只小家猫每小时至少要互相追打三次。

What can we conclude from all this cat coddling? Is the team that brought us gritty war recreations Operation Flashpoint and ArmA going soft in their middle age? At first glance the answer appears to be 'yes'.

- 那么我们能够从对这两只小猫的溺爱中看出一些什么东西呢?难道是为我们制作过坚挺的战争模拟游戏《闪点行动》和《武装突袭》的人们已经人到中年了吗?乍看之下的答案似乎是“是”。

One of the unlikeliest new features in the upcoming ArmA sequel is that traditional crutch of the namby-pamby FPS, first aid. No longer is a bullet in the guts a one-way ticket to Golgotha. No longer do wounded soldiers have to crawl about the countryside like pythons that have eaten one too many pygmy hippos at an all-you-can-eat jungle buffet. Players can now carry or drag injured comrades to safety before reviving them with life-saving medk... err, 'wound dressings'.

- 对于这款一直坚持人的脆弱性的第一人称射击游戏来说,一个在《武装突袭》续作中看起来最不可思议的新特性便是急救。打入你肚子里的那一颗子弹将不再是把你送入墓地的单程票,受伤的士兵再也不会像一只吃进去太多丛林美味的蟒蛇一般在村子周围慢慢的爬来爬去——玩家现在能够在给你那些受伤的同志们使用急救用品……呃,“止痛药膏”之前,扛起或者拖动他们到安全的地带躲避枪林弹雨

Studio head Marek Spanel acknowledges the gameiness: "It's not totally realistic, but we needed something like this. Co-op is really important in ArmA 2. In our previous games, teams were often just a bunch of individuals running and shooting. Now, they have to work together because if you get hit you can bleed to death within a minute."

- 工作室负责人 Marek Spanel 坦言:“虽然它并不是非常真实,但是我们确实需要这么做。相互协作在《武装突袭2》中非常的重要,在我们过去的游戏中,小队经常仅仅是一群毫无互动的人们在一起跑步或者射击。现在他们将会相互依赖,因为如果当你中弹后,你会在一分钟之内失血而亡。”

A little later something else is said that suggests softy backsliding. Marek again: "ArmA 2 isn't just about fighting. There are dynamic conversations with NPCs and a lot of narrative in the game. We want it to be cinematic." Conversations, narrative, cinema? Treachery, surely. Should hardcore fans be worried?

- 接下来在我胡诌八扯了一堆傻子般的建议之后,Marek 继续开始介绍:“《武装突袭2》将并不仅仅是单纯的战斗,游戏中将会有大量与NPC之间的动态对话以及许许多多的故事情节——我们期望它能够看上去像是一部电影大片。”对话?故事?电影?这绝对是对原有风格的背叛!难道那些铁杆粉丝们不会抗议吗?

Where's a shopping trolley when you need one?
- 当你需要一部担架的时候它在哪里?

In a word, no. While it's obvious Bohemia is trying to broaden the appeal of the series with the help of a more interesting/unpredictable campaign (set in the fictional Caucasian country of Cernarus) and more characterful comrades (your three brothers-in-arms are a Queen's Gambit-style USMC Special Forces group) there's plenty of evidence ArmA 2 is going to be as honest and uncompromising as ever.

- 总之,不会的。很明显波西米亚互动开始尝试通过加入大量有趣的和动态结果的战役(发生在假想中的高加索国家Cernarus)和更多特殊风格的伙伴们(你的三个类似女王开局中来自美国海军陆战队特种部队的弟兄们)来丰富这个游戏系列的内容。有大量证据表明《武装突袭2》在此改变上的态度坚决并且毫不妥协。

Take the dynamic conversations for example. There's even a realism angle to those. Lose the linguist on your team, and communicating with Russian or Cernarussian-speaking locals will be hard if not impossible. It's a similar story with road-signs. Some poor intern has spent weeks hand-placing 1900 of the things at appropriate locations on the 225 km2 map. If you're looking for a particular town or village you just follow the signs. Well, you do if you can understand the Cyrillic alphabet they're written in.

- 举例说明所谓的动态会话:这将会是非常逼真的例子,当你的队伍中失去翻译,那么你将会在与俄国人或者当地居民的沟通中遭遇极大的语言障碍。就好比认路标,一些语言水平极差的实习生花费了数周的时间在将近225平方公里的地图上放置了1900个路标,如果你需要去某个村子或者城镇,你只需要跟着这些路标走就可以了。那么好吧,前提是如果你能看懂他们用西里尔字母所写出的东西的话……

More chat and campaign colour doesn't mean Bohemia's forgotten about firefight fundamentals either. The new 'Micro AI' is looking and sounding fantastic. As Marek puts it: "In our previous titles the AI was designed primarily for larger scale combat in open fields. This time enemies are capable of finding cover with centimetre precision. They will use trees and buildings. They will lean and crouch-strafe. They will act as a team, one soldier providing suppressive fire, while the others advance."

- 大量的对话和战役润色并不意味着波西米亚互动忘记了双方交火时的细节——新的 Micro AI 人工智能引擎看上去和听起来都十分的梦幻。就像Marek说的那样:“在我们过去的作品中,人工智能被设计为在长距离和广阔范围的开阔战场中进行作战,如今敌人将能够在厘米级的距离上寻找隐蔽,他们将会懂得利用树木和房屋,将会学习并学会俯身前进,将会进行小队协作——一个士兵提供火力支援而其他人则向前推进。”

Even if you duck out of sight you can expect storms of speculative lead to be sent in your direction. What's the point of that? Bullets that fail to find flesh can still cause fear. What was an incidental byproduct of combat in ArmA is now a potential killer. Rounds whistling past your head or kicking-up dirt at your feet cause your crosshairs to wander and spread. The lesson: "If you want to get home in one piece don't get pinned-down by a gang of angry slavs with AK-74s."

- - 即使处于你的视线以外,你仍旧会感到危机正向你袭来——瞧,那里究竟有些什么东西?没有子弹打过来但是你仍然能够感受到肉体上的恐惧。在《武装突袭》中的许多偶然事件将会是潜在杀手,在你耳边呼啸的枪林弹雨和你脚上占满的泥巴将会影响你的准星的晃动和子弹命中率。一句话:“如果你想安然无恙的回家,那么请不要和一堆手持AK-47的愤怒的斯拉夫人混在一起。”

You'll have noticed that I haven't actually identified ArmA 2's foes yet. That's because it's not immediately obvious who the bad guys are. Unlike past outings where the bogeymen were the chaps with the Warsaw Pact gear, in this instalment things are far more complicated. Team Razor - your tight-knit Special Forces team - are part of a NATO force sent into Cernarus to keep various ethnic and nationalist faction from cleansing each other. Whose side you end up on depends a lot on the people you choose to kill and the things you choose to say during the course of the campaign. Character-switching (you can jump between Team Razor members) a branching plot, unscripted AI, and full co-op compatibility means that campaign should stand at least half a dozen play-throughs.

- 你们会注意到我并没有确切的说明在《武装突袭2》中的假想敌是谁,因为在游戏中你并不会立刻知道到底谁才是坏蛋。不像过去那些妖魔化华沙条约组织分裂后的情况的作品,本作中事情将变的十分复杂。剃刀小队——和你关系密切的特种部队——被北约军队派遣到Cernarus来防止不同民族间的极端民族主义分子相互进行种族清洗。而究竟哪一方能够成为你的依赖则完全取决于你在整个战役中究竟干掉了哪些人和说了什么话。角色切换(你能够在剃刀小队的队员中来回切换)、分支剧情、非脚本人工智能以及全方位协作特性意味着整场战役将会有十几种故事进程。

If you do exhaust the story there's always the peerless multiplayer - enhanced by new hand signals and the first aiding - to wallow in, or Warfare - the freeform territorial conquest mode that blends RTS base-building with familiar FPS soldiering. Added to ArmA via a patch, the latter is one of several fan-made mods adopted and refined by Bohemia for ArmA2. The new particle effects and HALO parachute insertions also started out as community ingenuity.

- 如果你对于故事情节感到精疲力尽,那么这里仍然有无与伦比的多人游戏模式供你沉浸其中——增强的战术手语以及急救特性,或者选择战争地带模式——自由的领土征服模式混合了即时战略游戏的基地建设元素以及第一人称射击游戏的当兵快感。作为《武装突袭》最后一个补丁中出现的内容,战争地带模式来自于民间游戏开发爱好者制作的几个优秀的模组之一,并且将会被波西米亚互动在《武装突袭2》中进一步完善。新的粒子效果和高跳低开伞降渗透同样来源于玩家设计。

Team Razor. Were they named for their sharpness, or their disposability?
- 剃刀小队,这个名字到底是因为他们如刀片般的锋利,还是如刀片般用过即可丢弃呢?

Frustratingly, there isn't time to toy with many of the 167 vehicles or 70+ weapons that will grace the game. Hind and Venom gunships are clattering around raining death during a couple of the demonstrations, but there's no sign of new exotica like the VTOL V-22 Osprey and F-35 Lightning. Playing Warfare, I'm squashed by an APC that may or may not have been one of the slew of new Russian troop taxis. Slightly worryingly, the day passes without any mention of tractors.

- - 令人无奈的是,我没有时间来一一体验游戏中多达167种的载具和70多种的武器。“雌鹿”和“超级眼镜蛇”武装直升机在发动机的轰鸣声中倾泻着死亡之雨,不过仍然没有迹象表明一些新式武器比如V-22“鱼鹰”旋翼机和F-35联合战术战斗机会出现在游戏中。在战争地带模式中,我被一辆装甲运兵车给压扁,不过我没看清楚它是否是一辆俄罗斯的新型运兵车。令人担忧的是,在那一天中他们并没有提及任何有关拖拉机的内容……(Alex.XP:这句话涉嫌作者搞笑……)

So, to recap: Bohemia likes cats, but isn't going all soppy on us. If you crave combat games that are plausible, atmospheric, and awash with tactical options, ArmA 2 should be at the very top of your list.

- 好,让我们回顾一下:波西米亚互动就像猫咪,但是并不会让我们感到失望。如果你渴望战争游戏应当真实、大气并且充满战术选择,《武装突袭2》将会是你的最佳选择。
发表于 2008-11-21 17:58:51 | 显示全部楼层
Yeah Yeah
OKOK,that's right
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 15:56:01 | 显示全部楼层
In the moments when they're not busy fabricating the follow-up to the world's most realistic soldier sim the staff of Bohemia Interactive Studio like nothing better than stroking kittens. It's true, I've seen it with my own eyes. Bohemia's surprisingly rural base of operations is home to a couple of cute black felines called Lock and Load (okay, I didn't actually get round to finding out their names, but it's probably something along those lines). On the day of my visit, these two moggies are stroked at least three times an hour.

- 当波西米亚互动的全体工作人员从制作世界上拟真度最高的单兵射击模拟游戏的工作中抽身休息的时候,估计没有什么事情会比悠闲的逗着小猫玩更安逸了——这是真的,因为是我亲眼所见。在波西米亚互动那充满田园风光的工作室小屋中养着一对儿小黑猫,一只叫洛克,另一只叫路德(好吧,我实际上并不是很确切的知道它们的名字,不过大概就是这样的叫法)。在我采访的日子里,这两只小家猫每小时至少要互相追打三次。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 16:04:36 | 显示全部楼层
What can we conclude from all this cat coddling? Is the team that brought us gritty war recreations Operation Flashpoint and ArmA going soft in their middle age? At first glance the answer appears to be 'yes'.

- 那么我们能够从对这两只小猫的溺爱中看出一些什么东西呢?难道是为我们制作过坚挺的战争模拟游戏《闪点行动》和《武装突袭》的人们已经人到中年了吗?乍看之下的答案似乎是“是”。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 16:20:15 | 显示全部楼层
One of the unlikeliest new features in the upcoming ArmA sequel is that traditional crutch of the namby-pamby FPS, first aid. No longer is a bullet in the guts a one-way ticket to Golgotha. No longer do wounded soldiers have to crawl about the countryside like pythons that have eaten one too many pygmy hippos at an all-you-can-eat jungle buffet. Players can now carry or drag injured comrades to safety before reviving them with life-saving medk... err, 'wound dressings'.

- 对于这款一直坚持人的脆弱性的第一人称射击游戏来说,一个在《武装突袭》续作中看起来最不可思议的新特性便是急救。打入你肚子里的那一颗子弹将不再是把你送入墓地的单程票,受伤的士兵再也不会像一只吃进去太多丛林美味的蟒蛇一般在村子周围慢慢的爬来爬去——玩家现在能够在给你那些受伤的同志们急救用品……呃,“止痛药膏”之前,扛起或者拖动他们到安全的地带躲避枪林弹雨。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 16:28:16 | 显示全部楼层
Studio head Marek Spanel acknowledges the gameiness: "It's not totally realistic, but we needed something like this. Co-op is really important in ArmA 2. In our previous games, teams were often just a bunch of individuals running and shooting. Now, they have to work together because if you get hit you can bleed to death within a minute."

- 工作室负责人 Marek Spanel 坦言:“虽然它并不是非常真实,但是我们确实需要这么做。相互协作在《武装突袭2》中非常的重要,在我们过去的游戏中,小队经常仅仅是一群毫无互动的人们在一起跑步或者射击。现在他们将会相互依赖,因为如果当你中弹后,你会在一分钟之内失血而亡。”
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 16:34:54 | 显示全部楼层
A little later something else is said that suggests softy backsliding. Marek again: "ArmA 2 isn't just about fighting. There are dynamic conversations with NPCs and a lot of narrative in the game. We want it to be cinematic." Conversations, narrative, cinema? Treachery, surely. Should hardcore fans be worried?

- 接下来在我胡诌八扯了一堆傻子般的建议之后,Marek 继续开始介绍:“《武装突袭2》将并不仅仅是单纯的战斗,游戏中将会有大量与NPC之间的动态对话以及许许多多的故事情节——我们期望它能够看上去像是一部电影大片。”对话?故事?电影?这绝对是对原有风格的背叛!难道那些铁杆粉丝们不会抗议吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 16:45:33 | 显示全部楼层
In a word, no. While it's obvious Bohemia is trying to broaden the appeal of the series with the help of a more interesting/unpredictable campaign (set in the fictional Caucasian country of Cernarus) and more characterful comrades (your three brothers-in-arms are a Queen's Gambit-style USMC Special Forces group) there's plenty of evidence ArmA 2 is going to be as honest and uncompromising as ever.

- 总之,不会的。很明显波西米亚互动开始尝试通过加入大量有趣的和动态结果的战役(发生在假想中的高加索国家Cernarus)和更多特殊风格的伙伴们(你的三个类似女王开局中来自美国海军陆战队特种部队的弟兄们)来丰富这个游戏系列的内容。有大量证据表明《武装突袭2》在此改变上的态度坚决并且毫不妥协。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 16:56:07 | 显示全部楼层
Take the dynamic conversations for example. There's even a realism angle to those. Lose the linguist on your team, and communicating with Russian or Cernarussian-speaking locals will be hard if not impossible. It's a similar story with road-signs. Some poor intern has spent weeks hand-placing 1900 of the things at appropriate locations on the 225 km2 map. If you're looking for a particular town or village you just follow the signs. Well, you do if you can understand the Cyrillic alphabet they're written in.

- 举例说明所谓的动态会话:这将会是非常逼真的例子,当你的队伍中失去翻译,那么你将会在与俄国人或者当地居民的沟通中遭遇极大的语言障碍。就好比认路标,一些语言水平极差的实习生花费了数周的时间在将近225平方公里的地图上放置了1900个路标,如果你需要去某个村子或者城镇,你只需要跟着这些路标走就可以了。那么好吧,前提是如果你能看懂他们用西里尔字母所写出的东西的话……
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 17:05:54 | 显示全部楼层
More chat and campaign colour doesn't mean Bohemia's forgotten about firefight fundamentals either. The new 'Micro AI' is looking and sounding fantastic. As Marek puts it: "In our previous titles the AI was designed primarily for larger scale combat in open fields. This time enemies are capable of finding cover with centimetre precision. They will use trees and buildings. They will lean and crouch-strafe. They will act as a team, one soldier providing suppressive fire, while the others advance."

- 大量的对话和战役润色并不意味着波西米亚互动忘记了双方交火时的细节——新的 Micro AI 人工智能引擎看上去和听起来都十分的梦幻。就像Marek说的那样:“在我们过去的作品中,人工智能被设计为在长距离和广阔范围的开阔战场中进行作战,如今敌人将能够在厘米级的距离上寻找隐蔽,他们将会懂得利用树木和房屋,将会学习并学会俯身前进,将会进行小队协作——一个士兵提供火力支援而其他人则向前推进。”
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 17:35:29 | 显示全部楼层
Even if you duck out of sight you can expect storms of speculative lead to be sent in your direction. What's the point of that? Bullets that fail to find flesh can still cause fear. What was an incidental byproduct of combat in ArmA is now a potential killer. Rounds whistling past your head or kicking-up dirt at your feet cause your crosshairs to wander and spread. The lesson: "If you want to get home in one piece don't get pinned-down by a gang of angry slavs with AK-74s."

- 即使处于你的视线以外,你仍旧会感到危机正向你袭来——瞧,那里究竟有些什么东西?没有子弹打过来但是你仍然能够感受到肉体上的恐惧。在《武装突袭》中的许多偶然事件将会是潜在杀手,在你耳边呼啸的枪林弹雨和你脚上占满的泥巴将会影响你的准星的晃动和子弹命中率。一句话:“如果你想安然无恙的回家,那么请不要和一堆手持AK-47的愤怒的斯拉夫人混在一起。”
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 17:46:16 | 显示全部楼层
You'll have noticed that I haven't actually identified ArmA 2's foes yet. That's because it's not immediately obvious who the bad guys are. Unlike past outings where the bogeymen were the chaps with the Warsaw Pact gear, in this instalment things are far more complicated. Team Razor - your tight-knit Special Forces team - are part of a NATO force sent into Cernarus to keep various ethnic and nationalist faction from cleansing each other. Whose side you end up on depends a lot on the people you choose to kill and the things you choose to say during the course of the campaign. Character-switching (you can jump between Team Razor members) a branching plot, unscripted AI, and full co-op compatibility means that campaign should stand at least half a dozen play-throughs.

- 你们会注意到我并没有确切的说明在《武装突袭2》中的假想敌是谁,因为在游戏中你并不会立刻知道到底谁才是坏蛋。不像过去那些妖魔化华沙条约组织分裂后的情况的作品,本作中事情将变的十分复杂。剃刀小队——和你关系密切的特种部队——被北约军队派遣到Cernarus来防止不同民族间的极端民族主义分子相互进行种族清洗。而究竟哪一方能够成为你的依赖则完全取决于你在整个战役中究竟干掉了哪些人和说了什么话。角色切换(你能够在剃刀小队的队员中来回切换)、分支剧情、非脚本人工智能以及全方位协作特性意味着整场战役将会有十几种故事进程。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 18:01:51 | 显示全部楼层
If you do exhaust the story there's always the peerless multiplayer - enhanced by new hand signals and the first aiding - to wallow in, or Warfare - the freeform territorial conquest mode that blends RTS base-building with familiar FPS soldiering. Added to ArmA via a patch, the latter is one of several fan-made mods adopted and refined by Bohemia for ArmA2. The new particle effects and HALO parachute insertions also started out as community ingenuity.

- 如果你对于故事情节感到精疲力尽,那么这里仍然有无与伦比的多人游戏模式供你沉浸其中——增强的战术手语以及急救特性,或者选择战争地带模式——自由的领土征服模式混合了即时战略游戏的基地建设元素以及第一人称射击游戏的当兵快感。作为《武装突袭》最后一个补丁中出现的内容,战争地带模式来自于民间游戏开发爱好者制作的几个优秀的模组之一,并且将会被波西米亚互动在《武装突袭2》中进一步完善。新的粒子效果和高跳低开伞降渗透同样来源于玩家设计。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-24 18:15:42 | 显示全部楼层
Frustratingly, there isn't time to toy with many of the 167 vehicles or 70+ weapons that will grace the game. Hind and Venom gunships are clattering around raining death during a couple of the demonstrations, but there's no sign of new exotica like the VTOL V-22 Osprey and F-35 Lightning. Playing Warfare, I'm squashed by an APC that may or may not have been one of the slew of new Russian troop taxis. Slightly worryingly, the day passes without any mention of tractors.

- 令人无奈的是,我没有时间来一一体验游戏中多达167种的载具和70多种的武器。“雌鹿”和“超级眼镜蛇”武装直升机在发动机的轰鸣声中倾泻着死亡之雨,不过仍然没有迹象表明一些新式武器比如V-22“鱼鹰”旋翼机和F-35联合战术战斗机会出现在游戏中。在战争地带模式中,我被一辆装甲运兵车给压扁,不过我没看清楚它是否是一辆俄罗斯的新型运兵车。令人担忧的是,在那一天中他们并没有提及任何有关拖拉机的内容……(Alex.XP:这句话涉嫌作者搞笑……)
发表于 2008-11-24 20:10:31 | 显示全部楼层
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