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发表于 2008-11-21 14:55:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

ArmA: Armed Assault II Preview
On point across the most realistic battlefield ever created.
by Richie Shoemaker, IGN UK

- 武装突袭2预览
- 看最真实的虚拟战场是如何建立的。

UK, November 20, 2008 - Do you remember the promise of the "Virtual Battlefield"? It may seen a quaint preoccupation in these days when military hardware and tactical realism are commonplace in shooters, but less than a decade ago the idea of a videogame war with infantry, tanks and aircraft battling across the same vast map was something that was still stuck on the drawing board. Games such as Codename Eagle (predecessor to the Battlefield series) successfully took the initiative ahead of the main force, but it offered little more than a localised skirmish compared to the total war that was Bohemia Interactive's Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.

- 2008年11月20日来自英国的报道:你还记得“虚拟战场系统”于英国在2008年11月20日的承诺吗?由于近年来射击类军事游戏的硬件与技术上的成熟和普及,开发工作已成当务之急,几年前,那些有步兵、坦克、飞机在开阔地域混战类军事电子游戏在制图效果上依旧显得笨拙,比如说Codename Eagle(战地系列的前辈)这款游戏虽曾成功的走在各游戏前列,但是还是无法与波希米亚互动公司的产品:闪点行动-冷战危机这款以局部冲突,反映战争背景的游戏相媲美。

Since taking the proverbial beach unopposed with its debut release in 2001, the Czech developer has had trouble pushing inland. Granted, the likes of DICE and Epic have counter-attacked with their own game, but the advance that promised to make the virtual battlefield a reality fell afoul of externalities more than it did direct opposition: Generals bickering with their high command (a fallout with publisher Codemasters), supplies getting waylaid (an ill-fated Xbox port) and missions into unknown territory that seemed to miss the main objective (adapting their technologies for real-world military). Bohemia managed to get things moving again with the release of Armed Assault in 2005 - a Flashpoint sequel in all but name - but by then it seemed the general public had lost its thirst for war - not surprisingly given the global preponderance of death and destruction, Team Fortress 2 went from Darfur to Disney and Battlefield has retreated to the cartoon hills. The virtual battlefield has turned casual.

- 自从闪点行动于2001年闪亮登场后,捷克的开发商在国内也有竞争,像DICE和Epic,也推出了他们自己的游戏进行反击,他们还曾事先承诺在与闪点行动的竞争中画面上一定会占优,可在战场的真实性方面他们可能就不如闪点。那些游戏的高层还批评闪点的局部伏击战等类似任务似乎不是真正意义上的战争。波希米亚开发局于是再接再厉于2005年开发了武装突袭-世袭了闪点的内容只不过名字换了-但是由于游戏未能给带来死亡的恐惧感与毁灭的刺激感-广大玩家似乎失去了对“战斗”的渴望,就好像是《军团要塞2》从达尔富尔回到了迪斯尼,武袭回到了类似于卡通版的战场。因此,不经意间,开发商又萌生了开发新一款的战场虚拟模拟器!

Regardless, Bohemia soldier: Armed Assault II is the culmination of ten years of work, all of it poured into what is effectively the same game. For better or worse ArmA II will have as much in common with the original Flashpoint as it has its namesake predecessor. Across all three games you'll find the same geographic scale, punishing realism and uncompromising attention to detail. Enough of each that the Ministry of Defence, Australia's Defence Force and the US Marine Corps will likely continue their business dealings with what is probably the Czech Republic's biggest military export. For many gamers there can be no greater endorsement than that - but players who have been taken down once too many times by ArmA's crackshot AI may need a little more convincing.

- 不管怎样,波希米亚的武装突袭2是十年来工作的顶点,都倾注在一个相同的游戏里。无论好坏武装突袭将会有原版前辈闪点行动名下的一切。在三个游戏中,你将会见到相似的地形尺寸,极度真实和近乎极致的细节度。国防部,澳大利亚防务部和美国海军陆战队将会不断的与捷克最大的军事出口商进行交易。对于大多数玩家来说,没有什么能比这再有赞同性了。但对于那些被武装突袭里蹩脚的人工智能所击倒多次的玩家可能会需要更多的东西来被说服。

"In ArmA you could be hit with a miracle shot, but you could still wipe out 30 enemies beforehand" admits Marek Spanel, head of Bohemia Interactive. "In ArmA II that won't be possible without really careful preparation because the AI is more cautious."

- 波希米亚总管,玛瑞克斯班奈尔承认道:“在武装突袭1中,即使你中了神奇的一枪,你还是能干掉30个敌人。在突袭2中如果不认真仔细地准备的话这是不肯能的,因为人工智能变得更加小心了。”

Helicopters are from the upper tier of the many vehicles on offer.
- 直升飞机是(游戏)所提供的众多载具中较高级的一种。

Spanel says soldiers will now take cover behind corners and provide suppression for each other, not moving until they know the other guys in their AI team are providing suppression in turn. Bohemia call their new system 'Micro AI' and claim it allows for unparalleled placement of enemy and friendly units. "Unlike our previous titles where AI was designed primarily for larger-scale combat in open fields, this time the AI is capable of finding cover with centimetre precision, like at corners of a building," says Spanel, "And they act dynamically and cooperate as a team; provide suppressive fire and trying to avoid it from the enemy. It's a big advancement in terms of AI."

- 斯班奈尔说(人工智能)士兵将会在掩体后为自己队友相互提供火力支援,在没确定有(人工智能)队友提供支援的前提下,他们不会擅自行动。波希米亚把这种系统叫作”微人工智能“,并称其将会以一个空前的规模出现在敌军与友军中。不像在我们的前作中,人工智能主要是为了大尺寸开放战场而设计的,这回他们将有能力在厘米级的精度上寻找掩体,比如在建筑物的拐角。且将会像一个团队一样进行动态合作;提供火力支援并试图躲避敌人的攻击。就人工智能来讲是个大进步。”

The team Spanel alludes to forms the centerpiece of ArmA II's main campaign, the development of which has proved to be something of a challenge. Realising that campaigns in their previous titles have been perhaps too freeform, the early emphasis was to create a fast-paced linear story that would compare with Call of Duty. "But that's not what we're about" says Spanel, who ordered a re-think. "The story didn't utilise the open nature of the map or the gameplay. Our engine is more dynamic and so a linear experience just doesn't work out as well."

- 开发团的队长斯班奈尔还从中透露武袭2的战役开发工作将会是一大挑战,我们知道上作类似于线性的战役模式有点像使命召唤,因此若依旧沿袭上作的战役模式那就显得太随意了。斯班奈尔若有所思后还说:“不过游戏还远不止这样,虽然战役模式并未使用开放真实的地形面貌,可我们的游戏引擎确实十分强大,只不过目前还未研制出罢了。”

The difficulty was to create a story that had the immediacy, cinematic qualities and characters modern gamers enjoy, but could accommodate the dynamic nature of the battles that Bohemia have made their trademark. The result is a scenario that sits uncomfortably close to recent events, with a pro-Western government in the former fictional Soviet Republic of Chenarus trying to control an insurgency in its northern province than promises to tempt Russian intervention. You join the fray as part of Team Razor, an expeditionary force sent by NATO to bolster the depleted Defence Forces against the "Chedaki" nationalists. In short, it's a bit like what happened in Georgia, only without the diversion of the Olympic Games.

- 战役情节制作的难点即在于如何才能迅速的,高质量的,如电影般的去完成它,并且还要跟上现代化步伐,符合原波希米亚公司这种战场自然动态效果。原作的战役情节是一个前苏联反叛组织在俄罗斯北部地区实行起义,于是西方政府插手俄罗斯内政并试图控制反叛组织。但这种战役情节所设计出的游戏关卡不符合当今时代。因此,在武袭2中,玩家所扮演的角色是一名剃刀远征部队的士兵并与”切达克“民族解放组织展开斗争。换言之,剧情有点像格鲁吉亚冲突,只不过不是在奥运期间发生。

ArmA II is looking set to be the dog's proverbials.
- 武装突袭II将会让小狗家喻户晓.

Topical though the campaign is, the most impressive aspect of the game right now is the visual impact of the units and the terrain over which they fight. The vehicles, nearly 150 of them, running the technological spectrum from a bicycle to modern strike aircraft, are spectacularly detailed both inside and out. A more significant evolution however is that the all the characters actually look more like a star cast rather than a pool of expendable extras that in the past were digitised and duplicated members of the design team.

- 通过战役的标题,我们可以发现游戏最为吸引人地方的莫过于作战士兵和地形的真实性。游戏共提供超过150中载具,从陆地上的摩托车到空中飞行的飞行器,无一不投射出高技术处理下的光感效果,无论是巨大的外部战场包括载具内部环境都将被制作的十分精细。其中最为巨大的变化即在于所有的人物的光感效果将更为逼真,不会再成为低效果的牺牲品,相比于前作照搬过来的制作团队会进步很多。

No less impressive is the huge map that must be secured. Chenarus may be smaller than the island of Sahrani in the first game, but it's a much more diverse area. Where Sahrani was relatively dry, flat and depressingly rural, Chenarus is almost a condensed version of the Czech Republic itself, with all the topography you'd expect (some of it directly modeled from famous landmarks around Prague), plus sprawling urban and industrial settlements linked by 326km of roads (serviced by almost 2000 road signs should you get lost).

- 不可忽视的是这张巨大的地图.Chenarus可能比前作的Sahrani岛要小一点,但这是一个更为复杂的区域.Sahrani更像是一个荒凉贫瘠的农村,Chenarus则更像一个捷克共和国的缩影.鉴于这些地貌您将期待(其中一些是布拉格周遭的标志性地标)由326公里道路(有将近2000个路牌来确保您不会迷路)所连接的郊区及工业区.

Battles take place on a meticulous recreation of the Czech Republic.
- 战斗将在极为精细的捷克共和国重制版进行.

It's only when playing through an early version of the game that you get a sense of the kind of detail Bohemia are aiming for. The ArmA: Warfare mode was a free add-on for ArmA 1 that was released just this May and it will be a focal single and multiplayer mode in the sequel. It takes the main combined arms nature of the FPS game, and places it within the framework of real-time strategy with a commander handing out orders. Securing objectives awards resources that can be spent on better equipment and reinforcements that follow you around. It's impressive to play right now in ArmA 1, but across the new maps and with the new vehicles it strikes you how much more closer the game feels to the original Flashpoint, but of course now with all the graphical and spatial developments Bohemia have spearheaded since.

- 仅仅玩儿了点游戏的早期版本,你就能体会到波希米亚的(制作)目标了.武装突袭:战争是今年3月发行的武装突袭的一个免费增值包,其将为一款针对单人和多人模式的续作(延伸).它融合了主视角射击游戏的武装特性,并将其放入了由指挥官发布命令的实时策略框架中.得到完成目标奖励将可花费在提升你周围的设备及增援上.在现有的突袭1中玩儿将会令人印象深刻,但通过新地图和载具,您将会感到离原版闪点行动更加接近,当然还得基于比希米亚长久以来所开发的图像及立体空间.

Sound is one area that the team has been spending a lot of time working on, and it's designed to be the most realistic audio experience in a game of this type. When you consider that you'll be fighting at ranges measured in hundreds of metres, where you'll be seeing muzzle flashes from the enemy before hearing the bullet ping past your ear, you'll have some idea what to expect. This level of environmental sound positioning is totally new, to the point that when Bohemia went shopping for a sound solution they quickly found there was none. Sound design went even further: if you know your war films you might recall in Battle of the Bulge how the American GIs heard the distant sound of squeaking tank treads before the deep growl of Tiger engines. In ArmaA II Bohemia claim to have created more than 40 independent sounds per vehicle, from different parts of each engine to the sound of each wheel on a variety of surfaces, with each sound spatialised. Impressive, even if such detail might be lost in the heat of battle.

- 音效是(开发)团队花费了大量时间的部分,这将会是同类游戏中最为真实的体验.当你想象自己在能看见敌人枪口火光后立即听见子弹从耳边呼啸而过的百米范围内进行战斗,你就知道要期待什么了.环境声音定位级别将是全新的.在波希米亚外出采购声音解决方案的那一刻,他们很快就找到了一个.声音射击进行到更深一步:如果你了解你的战争电影,你能想象到在<<突出部之战>>中美国步兵听到远处虎式坦克履带的吱吱声到引擎的隆隆声.在武装突袭二种,波希米亚称每种载具将会有超过40种独立的声效,从引擎的不同零件到轮子在不同表面上的不同声音.即使在激烈的战斗中会被忽略,它仍然是很令人惊讶的.

Audio design plays a large part, every bullet ping expertly realised.
- 音效设计是一个关键的部分,每一个子弹撞击声都被专业地真实化了.

One of the most interesting design decisions yet to fully implemented is one that could alienate as many fans as it may aims to entice. It's a mechanic that aims to keep players alive a little longer than might have been possible in previous games, but is much more interesting than a traditional cure-all medikit that brings you up to full health:

- 目前最为有趣的全面整合设计决定将可能由于其诱惑力而疏远众多爱好者.这是一个在前作中用来帮助玩家活得长一点的工具,但比传统的完全恢复医疗包更有趣:(接下文)

"In previous games there were very limited ways to heal injured troops and so very often you simply died" remembers Spanel. "That wasn't unrealistic, but it was very tough on gameplay sometimes. So this time if you get shot, you may be given timely first-aid by the other team members and can keep going." Those fearing ArmA is going all LEGO Star Wars can rest easy that injured soldiers will have to be physically dragged out of direct fire, or the incoming fire suppressed - and quickly - if the injury is to be effectively treated.

- (接上文)斯班奈尔回忆道:"在前作中你常常因为有限的治疗方法而死去.那并不真实,但对于游戏性来说还是挺难的.所以这回,如果你被击中,你的队友将会给你进行急救从而使你继续进行任务."那些怕武装突袭变成 乐高星球大战的玩家可以松口气了(这估计大家得google一下,可能挺喷的),因为伤员必须被友军快速的亲手带出攻击火力来妥善处理伤病处.

"We needed something like this" he says. "It's not perfectly realistic but it's very close. What I like most about the first aid system is that it really makes the team work in a more coherent way. It's necessary to stay close together because you will die if there is no-one to help you. In previous titles quite often the team was a bunch of individuals running and shooting - this time it's really essential to work together."

- (接上文)"我们需要一个这样的东西"他说."这并不是完美的真实,但很接近了,我最喜欢急救系统的提点就是它使得团队合作变得更有条理.最好呆在一起,因为没人帮你你就会死去.在前作中团队更像是一群打打杀杀得个体 - 这回协同合作变得至关重要.

Graphical detail has been noticeably ampified(应为amplified,杂志编辑错误).
- 图像细节已明显增强.

It's clear that whilst Bohemia Interactive are staying strictly on course in attempting to provide players with the most realistic and immersive battlefield experience possible, it's heartening that they still have fresh ideas to entice newer players in and deliver to them the game that Flashpoint's makers were always destined to create. ArmA II may not enjoy the same high level of sales as the original Flashpoint in this age of six-hour campaigns and unlockable achievements, but considering how few games have even managed to get within sniping distance of what Bohemia have achieved just goes to show how far ahead of the main force they still are. Perhaps, soon - finally - the virtual battlefield will be won.

- 很明显波希米亚互动正在严格的按照进程来尽可能提供真实的模拟体验.使人振作的是他们仍然有新鲜的想法来吸引新玩家并向他们提供闪点行动作者一直以来所打算做的.武装突袭可能不会享有同时代六小时通关,可解锁功绩游戏的销量.但考虑到仅有少数几款游戏尝试做到有武装突袭系列的狙击距离,这更说明了他们(波希米亚互动)与大部队间的差距.也许,不久 - 终于 - 虚拟战场将会胜利.
发表于 2008-11-22 23:37:04 | 显示全部楼层
UK, November 20, 2008 - Do you remember the promise of the "Virtual Battlefield"? It may seen a quaint preoccupation in these days when military hardware and tactical realism are commonplace in shooters, but less than a decade ago the idea of a videogame war with infantry, tanks and aircraft battling across the same vast map was something that was still stuck on the drawing board. Games such as Codename Eagle (predecessor to the Battlefield series) successfully took the initiative ahead of the main force, but it offered little more than a localised skirmish compared to the total war that was Bohemia Interactive's Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.
你还记得“虚拟战场系统”于英国在2008年11月20日的承诺吗?由于近年来射击类军事游戏的硬件与技术上的成熟和普及,开发工作已成当务之急,几年前,那些有步兵、坦克、飞机在开阔地域混战类军事电子游戏在制图效果上依旧显得笨拙,比如说Codename Eagle(战地系列的前辈)这款游戏虽曾成功的走在各游戏前列,但是还是无法与波希米亚互动公司的产品:闪点行动-冷战危机这款以局部冲突,反映战争背景的游戏相媲美。


参与人数 1威望 +1 收起 理由
Alex.XP + 1 优秀翻译


发表于 2008-11-22 23:37:30 | 显示全部楼层
Since taking the proverbial beach unopposed with its debut release in 2001, the Czech developer has had trouble pushing inland. Granted, the likes of DICE and Epic have counter-attacked with their own game, but the advance that promised to make the virtual battlefield a reality fell afoul of externalities more than it did direct opposition: Generals bickering with their high command (a fallout with publisher Codemasters), supplies getting waylaid (an ill-fated Xbox port) and missions into unknown territory that seemed to miss the main objective (adapting their technologies for real-world military). Bohemia managed to get things moving again with the release of Armed Assault in 2005 - a Flashpoint sequel in all but name - but by then it seemed the general public had lost its thirst for war - not surprisingly given the global preponderance of death and destruction, Team Fortress 2 went from Darfur to Disney and Battlefield has retreated to the cartoon hills. The virtual battlefield has turned casual.
发表于 2008-11-22 23:39:13 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-23 00:54:53 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Alice 于 2008-11-22 23:39 发表

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-23 01:59:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Alice 于 2008-11-22 23:37 发表
UK, November 20, 2008 - Do you remember the promise of the "Virtual Battlefield"? It may seen a quaint preoccupation in these days when military hardware and tactical realism are commonplace in shoote ...


发表于 2008-11-23 02:40:50 | 显示全部楼层
Regardless, Bohemia soldier: Armed Assault II is the culmination of ten years of work, all of it poured into what is effectively the same game. For better or worse ArmA II will have as much in common with the original Flashpoint as it has its namesake predecessor. Across all three games you'll find the same geographic scale, punishing realism and uncompromising attention to detail. Enough of each that the Ministry of Defence, Australia's Defence Force and the US Marine Corps will likely continue their business dealings with what is probably the Czech Republic's biggest military export. For many gamers there can be no greater endorsement than that - but players who have been taken down once too many times by ArmA's crackshot AI may need a little more convincing.


[ 本帖最后由 novelekehe 于 2008-11-23 03:08 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +1 收起 理由
Alex.XP + 1 优秀翻译


发表于 2008-11-23 02:49:54 | 显示全部楼层
"In ArmA you could be hit with a miracle shot, but you could still wipe out 30 enemies beforehand" admits Marek Spanel, head of Bohemia Interactive. "In ArmA II that won't be possible without really careful preparation because the AI is more cautious."

发表于 2008-11-23 02:52:13 | 显示全部楼层
Helicopters are from the upper tier of the many vehicles on offer.


[ 本帖最后由 novelekehe 于 2008-11-23 03:04 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-11-23 03:04:18 | 显示全部楼层
Spanel says soldiers will now take cover behind corners and provide suppression for each other, not moving until they know the other guys in their AI team are providing suppression in turn. Bohemia call their new system 'Micro AI' and claim it allows for unparalleled placement of enemy and friendly units. "Unlike our previous titles where AI was designed primarily for larger-scale combat in open fields, this time the AI is capable of finding cover with centimetre precision, like at corners of a building," says Spanel, "And they act dynamically and cooperate as a team; provide suppressive fire and trying to avoid it from the enemy. It's a big advancement in terms of AI."


[ 本帖最后由 novelekehe 于 2008-11-23 03:10 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-11-23 13:53:05 | 显示全部楼层
The team Spanel alludes to forms the centerpiece of ArmA II's main campaign, the development of which has proved to be something of a challenge. Realising that campaigns in their previous titles have been perhaps too freeform, the early emphasis was to create a fast-paced linear story that would compare with Call of Duty. "But that's not what we're about" says Spanel, who ordered a re-think. "The story didn't utilise the open nature of the map or the gameplay. Our engine is more dynamic and so a linear experience just doesn't work out as well."
发表于 2008-11-23 14:41:46 | 显示全部楼层
The difficulty was to create a story that had the immediacy, cinematic qualities and characters modern gamers enjoy, but could accommodate the dynamic nature of the battles that Bohemia have made their trademark. The result is a scenario that sits uncomfortably close to recent events, with a pro-Western government in the former fictional Soviet Republic of Chenarus trying to control an insurgency in its northern province than promises to tempt Russian intervention. You join the fray as part of Team Razor, an expeditionary force sent by NATO to bolster the depleted Defence Forces against the "Chedaki" nationalists. In short, it's a bit like what happened in Georgia, only without the diversion of the Olympic Games.
发表于 2008-11-23 15:08:32 | 显示全部楼层
Topical though the campaign is, the most impressive aspect of the game right now is the visual impact of the units and the terrain over which they fight. The vehicles, nearly 150 of them, running the technological spectrum from a bicycle to modern strike aircraft, are spectacularly detailed both inside and out. A more significant evolution however is that the all the characters actually look more like a star cast rather than a pool of expendable extras that in the past were digitised and duplicated members of the design team.
发表于 2008-11-23 15:09:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-11-24 00:28:48 | 显示全部楼层
No less impressive is the huge map that must be secured. Chenarus may be smaller than the island of Sahrani in the first game, but it's a much more diverse area. Where Sahrani was relatively dry, flat and depressingly rural, Chenarus is almost a condensed version of the Czech Republic itself, with all the topography you'd expect (some of it directly modeled from famous landmarks around Prague), plus sprawling urban and industrial settlements linked by 326km of roads (serviced by almost 2000 road signs should you get lost).


[ 本帖最后由 novelekehe 于 2008-11-24 03:02 编辑 ]
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